
lightweight, all-terrain access with low-environmental impact

When your project involves wetlands, marshes or ponds, MATECO can provide a solution to these challenging conditions and assist you with making your difficult project successful. MATECO’s Marsh Master (MM-2) is a fully amphibious track rig with the capability of carrying personnel and equipment through stump filled swamps, floating marsh, peat bogs, as well as deep water crossings. An internal pontoon designed within a unique rubber belt track system makes for a very stable and high floating machine. Our MM-2 is rigged with a Geoprobe 5400 for discrete soil and water sampling in wetland environments. The many advantages of this combination make it a great solution for problems traditionally associated with geotechnical or environmental work in wetland areas.

mm-2 marsh master

  • Amphibious capability
  • High productivity
  • High mobility
  • Light weight and low environmental impact
Marsh Master amphibious track rig for wetland drilling

MM-2 Features & Attachments

The MM-2 has an all welded aluminum body. Standard features include a front mounted hydraulic winch and an auxiliary hydraulic tool circuit capable of running a variety of specialty attachments, such as:

  • Geoprobe 5400
  • CPT
  • Ponar (25 and 50 lb.) samplers.


DRILL with confidence

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